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About Us

TakeNTrade is a digitalized online thrift collection platform that is designed to merged the age old service of thrift collection with seamless technology from the point of funds collection to the point of payment. TakeNTrade business model, completely, removes the danger of cash robbery, the worry of the sudden death of a thrift collector, and the inability of the customers to carry out weekend contributions. The cashless strategy we operate, wards off the temptation of tampering with customers funds by any intermediary.

Our Core Values: Integrity, Trust, Professionalism, Corporate Governance, Loyalty and Excellent Service.

Our Vision: To become the Best Nigerian, technology-driven, financial institution that provides wide range of financial services.

Our Mission: Building our brand to become a reputable international financial institution recognized for innovation, superior performance and creation of premium value for all stakeholders.

Our Strategic: objective also includes a continuous improvement of our capacity to meet the customers’ increasing and dynamic financial needs as well as sustain high quality growth through investments that impact the quality of service to our existing and potential customers, constant upgrade of our ICT infrastructure, unwavering investment in training and re-training of our people and regular reinforcing of our Customer Services delivery charter with regards to continually changing customer needs. We place high premium on the pivotal role of Exceptional Service Delivery in our drive to consistently exceed expectations. We have in place a well-articulated strategy to not only meet and surpass customer expectation but also ensure that plans are fine-tuned to address the changing taste and sophistication of the customer. The underlying philosophy is for us to remain at all times, a Customer-centric institution with a clear understanding of its market and environment.

© 2024 TakeNTrade.

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